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This Is What We Call A Hot Mess.. Getting Fired Up With EVMS!

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As usual, team Jpixx was smack dab in the middle of flashing lights, smoke and sirens – while we were safely behind the camera of course! From completely destroying Glenn’s car for our car crash scene to riding in an ambulance to CHKD, you could say it was a pretty flashy weekend with Eastern Virginia Medical School.

We were filming an updated video for a campaign EVMS has been running for the past decade entitled, “Boost ’em in the Back Seat”. The purpose of this campaign is to illustrate the dangers of removing your child from a booster seat before they are at least 4’9″. [Spoiler – it’s VERY dangerous] Two leading roles, ten crew, and a whole bunch of emergency extras. Let’s get this thing rolling.

After months of brainstorming and planning, it was finally time to put our plan into action on a very HOT Friday morning!

Chandler, Karla, Josiah, Dominique, and Kaitlyn up and at ’em on Friday morning!
Jpixx Crew… Assemble! BTS of our first location.
Chandler getting that shot, as usual!

And before we knew it, we were back out there early on Sunday morning to finish up the post crash scene!

Yep, that heat exhaustion was setting in…
Jon giving direction to our lovely firefighters and actors on set
Our mom, Kelley Davis, working it!
Glenn putting the final touches on his baby!
Chandler and Jon checking up on their shot
Just some of our extra’s being extra
Our booster seat child, Seth, steering the stretcher!
Mandatory Jpixx wrap shot…OH YEAH!