Meet the Crew Series (Glenn)
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Glenn Dano
Birthday: June 17th
Sign: Gemini
Role: Account Executive/Field Producer/Marketing Manager
Let’s all give a round of applause for the newest edition to the team!!! (*roaring crowd screams) Glenn has only been with the team for a few months but he’s worked with the crew before and fits right in. He’s an easy going, laid-back kinda guy who takes the job seriously but not himself. He’s crackin’ jokes and making everyone smile. You can call this New Edition–Mr. Telephone Man cuz he’s always on the line with clients, Jon, and the crew. You see what I did there? 🙂
You are new to the team…Congratulations! What is your title and tell me a little bit about what you do?
Thanks! Came on board as an Account Executive/Field Producer and Marketing Manager. Basically, I get to hang out with this cool guy that sits to my right named Jon Abrahams and I get to watch him all day show his mad skills on video editing. Lol. Joking aside, I think we’re still trying to figure out exactly on what I can best assist Jpixx to grow and reach its full potential. Right now, I’m assisting Jon on his day to day client management and lending a hand on anything during any shoot.
What was your professional background prior to joining the Jpixx team?
Prior to Jpixx, I was with BCF – a local advertising agency in VA Beach that specializes in Travel and Tourism branding/marketing. I was with BCF for almost 15 years and served as their Broadcast Producer/Account Supervisor and helped them managed the Virginia Tourism Corporation (Virginia is for Lovers brand) and Norfolk International Airport to name a few. Prior to BCF, I was with ABC Family Channel and served as their Operations Manager for the Traffic Department.
Why did you want to join the Jpixx crew?
When I heard that there’s an opening at Jpixx, it was an easy decision for me to try to join the team. Jon together with the rest of the Jpixx crew and I have done some projects before and I’ve always enjoyed working with them. I know that they’re a great bunch of talented and good people and that’s very important to me. In addition, I truly believe in Jon’s vision and talent and I can see a huge growth potential in Jpixx’s future and that’s something I want to be a part of.
What has been your favorite project/shoot to work on thus far?
I’ve only been with Jpixx for a few months but Jon has given me the opportunity to be a part of many different projects. If I have to pick one, it would be the Roc Solid/Night for the Fight. To me, that event definitely displayed the true talent, professionalism and dedication of every individual performing as one to attain a goal.
What do you hope to help Jpixx accomplish as a company through your role?
My hope is to establish a seamless process for Jpixx to be poised for all the bigger and better opportunities that’s upon us.
What are your hobbies?
Hmmm… I enjoy collecting watches and shoes but as a stress reliever, you can usually see me around town riding my bikes and sometimes thinker on our cars from time to time.
What motto do you live by?
It’s not about knowing the path but walking it. Don’t miss your opportunity – you can’t score if you don’t shoot
What kind of music do you like?
Pop, Rock and Dance.
What is your favorite film?
I don’t think I have a favorite one. The ones that I can remember are – Bourne Trilogy (first 3), Somewhere in Time and Seven.
What is your favorite Jpixx film and why?
Jon’s gonna hate me for this as I’ve not seen one but I definitely love the “puppet tale” that he did.