Operation Office Relocation!

To say moving offices is a long and trying process is an understatement. The whole gang had been used to the old office, but the growth we have had over the past few years has proven we needed more room. The amassing of gear, the new crew members, and bigger clients were three of the reasons why we packed everything up and started fresh.

And by fresh, we mean FRESH. The space had absolutely nothing, but walls and a base. The walls and base were nothing to brag about, for they were covered in all sorts of things like dirt, scrapes, and holes. The floors were covered in debris and there was a fireplace? We had a lot of work to do, that was apparent. But, even with all of the upcoming tasks- the future burned bright with inspiration and excitement.

First thing was to paint the walls, all of them! We had several rooms to paint: the main creative space, Jon’s office, the producer office, the freelancer rooms (available for subleasing), the two bathrooms, the halls, the kitchen, and the gear room. Yeah, it took a lot of paint and a lot of hours, but the results were 100% worth it. We have a few things to touch up still and a mural or two to complete, but the walls are bright and beautiful.

Next we wanted to knock out some desk refurbishments, so we started that process! We had picked up a bunch of old teacher/tanker desks from a thrift store… the bargain though! After they were brought to the old office/storage, we began the process of sanding and cleaning each desk. We also labeled and separated all the drawers. After that, it was painting time! We used an army of spray paint, evenly coating the desks and their components. Then, we let them dry and then put them back together.
The tops of the desks were a different story. We used this stuff called polyacrylic over top of chalk paint to create even and strong desk tops. This took a while to curate and dry, but boy oh boy did the desks look amazing when done. How many did we do again… we lost count after seven? They look fabulous in our new space!

While we were going through the process of refurbishing the desks, Tony (of the awesome Warriors Taphouse) had begun putting in our floors. After much consideration, Teviya picked a nice tan/grey flooring. This stuff is sturdy and stylish! Tony did an amazing job and we couldn’t be more thankful.
Slowly things started to piece together. We brought in furniture – all the works. We also started on some murals that were taped up and stenciled by Ray. These murals are pretty rad, but like stated earlier, unfinished. Sam and her, high school, intern shadow, Annaka, worked hard on getting the murals near completion.

The next big task was the trim! Every room had baseboards put in by the phenomenal Glenn! After that Karla and Sam went through and painted them, so they looked all new and bright. This really made the space feel put together and complete. Well, not completely correct – there was still much to do about the furniture and decor!!!
We were split into teams and tasked with designing a portion of the office. We were given a budget and set free to come up with a plan. Most of it is coming together, but a lot has still to be done. Keep in mind, we have been working this whole time. Jpixx did not shut down production or turn away client because of the move. We took it as a challenge and did both simultaneously. Some stayed in office and did work, while others went out to shoots, client meetings, and even other states for filming! It was hectic at times for sure, but we faired well!
Now a days, the office is cool. We have some extra decor/furniture that makes the space somewhere you would want to be. Thanks to Chandler, who recently moved to California, we have a N64. Jon & Teviya brought their ping pong table in, which is used daily by the office. We also got some nice High-def TVs that are hooked up via Apple TV – yeah that airplay is clutch, especially when having brief meetings or reviewing work. Last, but not least, we have a massage chair. You best believe that thing gets used on a weekly basis. It is really nice having all these amenities, for anyone in this industry knows staring at a computer for too long is not good for physical or mental health (poor eyeballs). A few minutes at the ping pong table or a few minutes in the chair refreshes our crew. We are always rockin’ and rollin’ – and ready to go!
If you are not quite sure where our new office is, we are located: 372 S Independence Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452, Suite 111
We are also on Google Maps! AND our Facebook page has this address as well as our new office phone number! Come by and say hi or meet us at the Starbucks that’s within walking distance.