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Meet Caleb, our new Post-Production Supervisor!

In April, we welcomed one of our previous employees BACK to the team – this time with a new title. Caleb Chamberlain moved to Texas in 2020 after working at Jpixx as an editor & filmmaker, only to return to Virginia Beach with his family in 2024 and take on the role of Post-Production Supervisor. Since we’ve seen him last, he’s developed a super high-tech mini series on YouTube, made exclusively with AI. Check out his work and read on to learn more about Caleb through these Q&As!

What excites you most about returning to work at Jpixx?

Being back with a tight knit group of people! After working for a few companies and brands, it has become evident that the people you work with 8+ hours a day are what’s most important. 

What is a skill you’re most proud of?

Most recently it’s been my deep dive into 3D animation and virtual production. I’ve come a long way in a short time and am excited to continue learning more about it!

What is something valuable you’ve learned during your career?

The most creative individuals are learners. Even at the highest levels of production, being open to learning, adapting, and problem solving with a group of people that have the same mindset is the most valuable place to be. Nobody likes to drink stagnant water.

So, it is understood that you are a coffee aficionado. What is your favorite brand and how do you take your coffee?

I’ve been trying different brands and shopping around some. It’s no lie that I can be a bit of a coffee snob and getting on board with a specific brand is hard to pin point. I will say, the best coffee brand I have had in the last few months is Foxtail Coffee in Orlando, FL. And if I am reaching way back, Flight Coffee Co. in NH is pretty solid as well!

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be and why?

I’m a simple person. I don’t have a lot of global aspirations. But if I had to choose – quality time in Wyoming is at the top of my list, but out of the states would probably be Ireland. 

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Inside Look | Marvin’s SkillBridge Internship

30 days, 240 hours, 14,400 minutes. That’s how long Marvin Gabriel, a dedicated Jpixx freelancer and social media foodie, spent with our team as a full time intern through the Department of Defense SkillBridge program, a transitory experience that helps those who are leaving the military find work opportunities in their area.

As he prepared to exit the military, Marvin was required to spend 45 calendar days (about 30 working days) with an organization of his choosing to assist him with the transition from Sailor to civilian – and we welcomed him with open arms. Now that it’s time for his next journey, we cannot be more thankful for the dedication, passion, and positivity he brought to Jpixx. On his final day in the office as an intern, we asked Marvin a few questions about the Program and his time here. Read on to learn more.

What is the DOD Skillbridge Program?

M: SkillBridge is a privilege- it’s not an entitlement. Your command can keep you for the duration of your program time from six months to 45 days. Outside of that, SkillBridge is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a bridge for a skill set that you want to apply in the civilian world. It doesn’t have to be a field where you excelled in the military, you could jump into a completely different work setting for the life that you want to create outside of the military. So for example, I was a mechanic. I knew nothing about mechanics. I was always into filmmaking and photography. And I had a relationship with Jpixx prior to getting out of the military so I guess I am their first guinea pig for Skillbridge, in a good way!

What did the SkillBridge process look like on the Jpixx side of things?

J: Marvin came to us at the end of last summer and proposed the idea [of the program]. When we looked at it, it’s a good deal for the business because they get somebody that is with them every day and the military pays their wage for the last x amount of days of their service. Because we had already worked with him, we felt very comfortable that he would fit well with our organization and it was a great way to get to know him better and to see what he can do. We filled out a lot of paperwork with several levels of certification, and now Jpixx is certified to be a part of the SkillBridge program for as long as I know, so we will very likely look into it in the future and open it up to anyone across the country. As a company, we’re really excited to be able to take advantage of the program, especially with the success of Marvin.

What have you learned while being in the Jpixx office full time?

M: The biggest thing that I learned being in an agency environment is that everyone has to do their part in order for jobs to get done. If one person slacks off, then the rest of the team has to pick up where you left off, so everybody has to be on the same page. I would say there’s a lot of similarities [between being here and in the military]. Timesheets, for example, are great because you can actually track how many hours are being spent on certain things in order to be more expedient. And in the military we have the same thing, where we log hours that we’re actively working in a specific job task so that the captain or the commander can get an overall view of how work is being delegated, on and off base. 

What would you say about your filmmaking productivity since you’ve been here?

M: Jpixx was a catalyst that allowed me a place to continue developing my creativity and workflow. I found myself in what they call that ‘flow state’ where I’ve built a habit to continue editing and posting on social media continuously. The 9 to 5 is not a 9 to 5, it’s a daily grind for me. Once I get off work, I go straight into another edit. Or straight into another shoot. So being here at Jpixx has allowed me to make content creation a lifestyle, really.

Check out more of Marvin’s original social media content on his pages: @marvinnn.g (IG) and @marvingproductions (YouTube)

Ask the Eye | The Team’s Favorite Super Bowl Commercials

Super Bowl LVIII… we laughed, we cried, we danced, we chewed our nails to the bed, but in the end we witnessed a game that will live forever in history; Kind of crazy to think we were just a few of the 123.4 million viewers of this most-watched American television broadcast. And none happier than co-founder Jon Abrahams (AKA – The Virginia Beach Chapter Prez of #ChiefsKingdom).

But beyond the football, “the commercials and movie trailers this year were BANGIN’!” – Glenn Dano

So we chatted as a team and came up with some of our favorite spots from this year’s game. Check out our top rankings.

1. Paramount +

Paramount + takes first on the Jpixx charts! With a mix of celebrity cameos, comedic dialogue, Peppa Pig’s one-liner, and Creed (of course), we all agreed that this one made us laugh the most – and even encouraged some of us to refresh our subscriptions to the platform. “Barrymore, shut your face!”

2. CeraVe

Fans of Michael Cera enjoyed this celebrity endorsed mock-ad for CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. But many people haven’t seen the additional marketing that surrounded the ad, including this extremely cringy interview with Bobbi Althoff and this publicity event with Haley Kalil.

3. Dunkin’ Donuts

And finally, to round out the favs (which all included celebrities poking fun at themselves) – we have the DunKings, starring Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. When your supporting cast includes Jack Harlow and Tom Brady, there is a lot at stake, but the best part has to be Matt hanging his head in shame at his best friend’s antics. “Sometimes it’s really hard to be your friend” – we’ve all been there before!

Do you have any favorites to add to the list? Please let us know so we can stop seeing GIFs of Jon celebrating the Chiefs big Super Bowl win (available for anyone to use on

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Virginia Beach City Public Schools | Looking Back

For the past year we have been working with Virginia Beach City Public Schools to show their commitment to preparing every child to be future ready. We visited dozens of Virginia Beach Public Schools and saw firsthand the amazing dedication of faculty and staff at each Virginia Beach school!

The campaign began with an idea to give VBCPS families a visual approach to the “Compass To 2025” theme. We started by creating 7 videos of each of the first 4 goals: Educational Excellence, Student Well-Being, Student Ownership of Learning, and an Exemplary Diversified Workforce.

VBCPS then wanted to create a new series of videos that would describe the 10 academies and advanced academic programs that are offered to rising 8th and 9th graders across the city. These videos included student testimonials and information on what these programs provide for their students. Eventually, the series was continued with the addition of Technical Career Centers, ATC, and VOTech videos.

All of these videos have been posted on the VBCPS website and socials. Give them a follow to learn more about all the accessible opportunities for growth, education, and passion in the VBCPS School System!

Interested in seeing more about how we #CaptureLifeCreatively? 

Check out our other blogs here.

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Meet Hanna, our new Intern!

We have a brand new addition to the Jpixx team… Hanna! Our FIRST-ever PRODUCER Intern! We are so excited to be bringing a budding producer into the fold and expanding our capabilities! We interviewed Hanna so you can get to know a little bit more about her, her work, and what she will be up to here at Jpixx HQ.

Where are you from?

I’m from Virginia Beach, born and raised!

What was your major at UVA and how did you discover that passion?

My major at UVA was “Media Studies”. It sounds vague, but the umbrella term allowed me to explore many different pockets of the media world to find what I enjoyed most. There were two tracks to choose from: Policy and Ethics or Film Concentration. I hadn’t realized film and television was the industry I wanted to pursue until my final year at UVA, so I was following the P&E track. Looking back, I wish I had taken more film courses, but I’m so thankful to have been able to explore topics such as journalism, consumer and trans-media culture, artificial intelligence, advertising, interactive storytelling, and even food media. Go Hoos!

Favorite songs to work to?

Wow, it really depends on the day. My go-to is a mix of my favorite funk, EDM, and house artists, but there are also days when all I want to hear are alt/indie artists Mt. Joy or Cage the Elephant.

How was your first 48?

The 48 Hour Film Project was the FIRST exposure I have had to proper film production, other than my documentary capstone in school. I LOVED IT! Being surrounded by so many kind, patient, and talented professionals was inspiring and it pushed me to be better and work harder. I am forever thankful to Jon and Jpixx for allowing an inexperienced individual like me to work alongside them on such a high-pressure project. And I have to say, it turned out to be pretty good! Watch the trailer and check out the BTS here!

Favorite thing you’ve done so far at Jpixx?

So far, I think the Grand Illumination Parade has been one of my favorite experiences at Jpixx. I got to work in yet another high-pressure environment with people who share the same passions as me, and I was running on adrenaline the entire time. It was so fun to run around the streets of downtown Norfolk and capture the holiday spirit in real-time. 

What are your career goals?

I have a background in radio and event planning, so gaining experience with a video agency is really helping boost my skill set to work on larger production projects. A dream of mine is to work in Hollywood as a producer and attend a red-carpet movie premiere. It might sound silly, but it lives in the back of my mind and drives me to pursue my goals every day. If I find myself in a ‘Hollywood adjacent’ position one day, I would be just as satisfied knowing I worked hard and made it into a well-established studio. 

The thing you’re looking forward to as a producer intern?

I am looking forward to learning about the production process from start to finish. I enjoy meeting new people and building connections, so having a client-based approach to digital media is exciting! Going on shoots is also something I enjoy doing; I like to watch the production plans come together in one final product. 

Fun facts about yourself?

My favorite color is orange, I can quote extensively from Pirates of the Caribbean, and I enjoy going to music festivals! Also, if you can’t tell, I don’t hold fish often. 

Interested in seeing more about how we #CaptureLifeCreatively? 

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Embarking on New Challenges | 48-hour Film Project

Jpixx is filled to the brim with creativity. We are lucky to have such talented filmmakers right inside our office, ready for their next challenge! So when the 48-hour season rolled around, we were geared up to go. This year we had Savannah, Trey, Jon and Teviya all went on their separate missions. Check it out!


“I always make an effort to learn something new on every 48-Hour Film Project that I do, and this one was no different. What better time to learn something than when you’re under pressure and running on a combined total of 5 hours of sleep? I always run sound and do the sound design with my friends on the team, Shadowcast Films, and this 48 I really enjoyed learning from Christopher Wratten that you can build suspense with music by using it as your hits and action drops. There were so many elements of sound that made our film, “Don’t Believe the Hype” something special, and it really is the beautiful creation of five different minds writing in a room on Saturday morning at 3 am.”


“This year’s 48-Hour Film Project gave me the opportunity to work with a lot of people I have never worked with before and make friends with filmmakers from other scenes. We had a pretty stacked crew and lots of options for actors. In this case, having a large crew with many different roles really helped. Everyone took their job seriously while always having fun.”

Jon and Teviya

“First off, I just absolutely love the filmmaking spirit seen by Savannah, Trey, and Teviya. Really drives me to want to get out of the box and keep having fun with video – which is the main reason we got into it in the first place.

This year’s 48hfp was all about bringing it down small. With our own kids as lead actors, and a tiny crew of Teviya, Jessa, and myself – my goal was to come away with a fun meaningful piece featuring my lil budding superstars (yes, I am biased) but also show that good storytelling can be accomplished without a super large crew.”  -Jon

We are so excited to see all three of these films premiere at The Naro Expanded Cinema. Come and see for yourself!

Premiere Screenings:

Group A: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 8:00 PM

Group B: Wed, Aug 23, 2023 8:00 PM

The Naro Expanded Cinema

1507 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517, USA

More about the 48-hour film project

Interested in seeing more about how we #CaptureLifeCreatively? 

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Leaving A Legocy: All About Kaylee’s Legocy

The slogan: “Helping kids fight cancer, one brick at a time.” is a spark of inspiration that the Rios Family hopes to pass on to all families with children diagnosed with cancer. Kaylee’s Legocy combines Kaylee’s love for legos and the legacy she left for other kids fighting pediatric cancer.

We created this video to introduce Kaylee’s story and capture the delivery of legos to local children in treatment.

For this video, we shot for multiple days at CHKD in Norfolk, VA. This was the hospital where Kaylee was diagnosed and spent most of her time building legos. We filmed b-roll and interviews with Darlene and Ryan Rios, Kaylee’s parents and founders of Kaylee’s legacy. The Rios family debuted their brand new cart that was packed with legos to give to children in the hospital.

We also spoke with Kaylee’s Legocy Volunteers and parents of other children who are fighting pediatric cancer. These families have found fulfillment in knowing that a simple lego set can make another child’s day.

Brick by brick, you can help other children like Kaylee escape the harsh reality of pediatric cancer and just be a kid. You can contribute to Kaylee’s Legocy by donating or helping sponsor a Brick Building Session! Learn more at KayleeLegocy.Org.

Check out our video for Kaylee’s Legocy and witness the power of Legos and Hope!

It’s a privilege to tell Kaylee’s story, and we are honored to help do it. Thank you to the Rios Family for your grace in sharing your story. And thank you for continuing the fight.