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Tag: Film

Electronic Systems Inc. Adventure!

Wow-e-wow, we have been logging some mileage lately. A lot of work comes from the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area, but lately, the Jpixx team has been all over the place for our friendly neighbor and client Electronic Systems Inc.

Our first day of filming was at their Virginia Beach location, just a short drive away from our new headquarters. You know we brought the A-Team of gear – DSLRs, Lights, the MoVi, and Drone! On a tight deadline, our goal was to get multiple shots at various locations. Everyone was eager to help out and be on camera, which made our job smooth sailing.

Marketing Director Jim Haney was an awesome team leader to have throughout the process- from tours, to shot ideas, to just pure energy. Not to mention, we received some dope swag bags for the quick turnaround. ESI has some fantastic, branded goodies!

Karla put in some work on the MoVi, getting better and better with each use! Plus that Whole30 diet with bar classes makes her the office’s Hercules. She has absolutely been crushing it, as our newest full-time employee. The gear we use is not feather-weight; you need to be able to lift about 30-50 lbs at any given time. Loading and unloading our cars at shoots is the fun part… said no one ever. But, despite the fact the equipment is hefty- the results are phenomenal. The smoothness of the MoVi is just unreal!!!

Everyone at ESI was very friendly and even excited to be on camera. We captured everyone under the sun including technicians, receptionists, and project managers. They all rock and love what they do (it’s pretty obvious when you talk to them). Cannot wait to see what they have planned for their Open House this Fall; we want to see that cool 3D printer in action again! Thank you Electronic Systems Inc. of Virginia Beach and Ashland!!!

If you haven’t already done so, and even if you have, take a look at ESI’s new company overview video!!! With an amazing job all around from ESI, Jpixx, and more- it’s worth the view! Click the link and maybe you will hear a familiar voice OR see some familiar faces.

Are you our next full-time Videographer/Editor!?

What is Jpixx!?!

Jpixx is a digital production boutique that specializes in video and strategic multi-media marketing content, visual communications, high-end event coverage and independent filmmaking. And we’re looking to add to our full-time crew!

Jpixx’s distinct vision pushes the boundaries of integrated media, leading the region in stylized camera work, motion graphics, video editing and design. Our work targets a diverse and modern audience who value authenticity and crave an emotional connection bringing every­day people and places into the extraordinary light.




Job Description

Are you ready to utilize your video-making-abilities to their full potential?

To sharpen your skills in a busy environment where no two days are the same?

All while working alongside other like-minded artists and mentors that inspire and push you forward, who are as passionate and dedicated to creating high-quality content as you are?

Jpixx is seeking a Full-Time Video making machine with a background in creating quality video content and stoked to grow alongside a rapidly developing video marketing agency, working with clients both locally and abroad.

You will be working daily with our talented team through all stages of production from writing and idea-forming to set-up and shooting, to editing and revisions. Everyone has a role to play at each stage of production, so wearing multiple hats is a must. This can be a fast-paced environment but is also immensely rewarding to create messaging that can move people and change minds.



  1. Send us your info, with your resume attached through the job posting.
  2. Send your portfolio, demo reel or samples of your work with a description of what your role was for each example sent through the job posting.
  3. Send a cover letter about yourself — nothing generic, give us a sense of who you really are; include why you are interested in this position and list “complimentary experiences” you may have through the job posting.

For more info and to apply, follow this link:!

If you know anyone who would be a potential candidate, share this post with them!



A taste of the NSA experience

Nansemond-Suffolk Academy welcomed the Jpixx crew back to school to shoot interviews of staff, faculty and students for a series of videos about the NSA mission and history using their personal experiences with the school. “Honor Above All” was a phrase we heard often during our visit at NSA, which is also the school’s motto.

It took our crew two long shoot long days to cover both campuses but we got to see the Upper School Ceremony, Friday Night Football and the 3D Printing Lab in action – along with scores of after-school activities that highlighted the NSA experience. Check out some BTS photos of our memorable time with the Saints!


The kids were enamored with Jon’s camera and immediately flocked to him to see what he was doing. I think we have some future photographers on our hands!


The kids are simulating plate tectonics using graham crackers and chocolate.


Things got yummy and messy at the same time lol

LCD action!


Chandler unintentionally (or intentionally?) striking a male model pose while holding the movi, we should secretly submit him to Americas Next Top Model. Right?

Patrick Whelan (NSA Alum and Dean of Students) Gettin’ powdered up. Sometimes you gotta do it for the cam lol


Jon loving what he does…so obvi!


These two (Karen Schompert and Kristine Bryne) having fun in the field.

To top it off we even met a student (Violet Johnston) at NSA who we found out is in a family of budding actors. Well, after one phone call and audition, her sister Olivia landed a starring role in our newest short film Carried Away, which premiered at Filmily Fest in December.

Now back to the regularly scheduled program – without further ado please sit back and prepared to be dazzled with one of our finished videos! And if you are in need of some of this magical video branding dazzle please give us a shout here to see how we can help you #shamelessplug 🙂

If you are interested in enrolling your child at NSA, be sure to attend their open house to learn more.

Open house dates:
Main Campus – January 8, 2017 to register click here
Harbour View Campus – January 22, 2017 to register click here

To learn more about Nansemond-Suffolk Academy, please check out their website.

Case Study: Space to Village with SERVIR

As a video-led digital marketing agency, storytelling is a part of our DNA. We bring brands to life by using film techniques to craft narratives and visuals that go far beyond the standard TV commercial. Long gone are the days of simply flashing your product or service across your audiences’ screens. It’s essential that organizations have a plan for keeping their audiences entertained with their messaging, and how that branded content will fit into their marketing toolbox.

Think about your audience and what resonates with them the most. Which emotions and visuals will spark their interest and make your brand unforgettable?


Last summer, we were tapped by SERVIR – a joint venture between NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – to journey across the world to Thailand, Bangladesh, Kenya and Nepal capturing what the program encompasses and who it affects. Through the use of satellite-based Earth monitoring data, SERVIR helps developing nations combat environmental challenges from flooding to water and food security.

The organization’s immense impact on nations across the world warranted a film that took an out-of-the-box approach to the traditional way in which government videos are produced. We accomplished this by…

Taking a cinematic approach

  • Live action scenes: used throughout the film in order provide a more natural depiction of the citizens within their environment.
  • Unscripted interviews: we include multiple interviews from SERVIR representatives, including NASA SERVIR Coordination Office Director Dan Irwin and USAID Climate Change Specialist Jenny Frankel-Reed, in order to have multiple voices driving the narrative.
    • The unscripted interviews also help convey the passion SERVIR employees feel about the project, which really helps bring the story home.

Each of these elements make the film feel like more of documentary as opposed to just another informational video.


Providing emotional value and scope

  • Connectivity: The film’s genuine connection with the audience is established by having our subjects looking directly into the camera and speaking from the heart.


  • Scope: We play up the global scope of the project by opening and closing the film with steadicam shots of subjects walking away and towards the camera in their natural environments.
    • The film wraps with a video collage of hands being held around the world to demonstrate the bond each citizen shares because of the impact SERVIR has on their country.

Motion Graphics

We love bringing a commercial polish to our films, and working directly with NASA gave us the opportunity to create some really unique title and motion graphic sequences from scratch.  These illustrative cutaways not only increase the production value of the piece, but help visually explain information that otherwise could not be captured from cameras on the ground.


  • Emotional Impact: Outside of serving as a wonderful marketing piece for SERVIR, the film left an emotional impact on both NASA and USAID internally.
    • Most notably, prominent figures within SERVIR were brought to tears during the initial viewing of the film.
  • Organizational Bonding: According to Stacy Whittle, SERVIR’s Senior Lead for Communications, seeing everyone’s hard work culminated into one emotionally riveting film helped facilitate a closer bond among everyone within the organization.


Overall, the team couldn’t have been more proud of this project! We were able to successfully craft a message-driven narrative that shed light on SERVIR and the environmental issues facing nations across the world. Now for the main event…

Take a look at the film below!

Visit Tumblr for a behind-the-scenes gallery of the trip!

Stay connected with Jpixx by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter and Instagram!


Meet the Filmily – Maria Soliven, Video Editor

Today marks the start of our “Meet the Filmily” series and the debut of our new short horror film, The Cut! Over the course of the year, we’ll be spotlighting members of the Jpixx team. We’re kicking things of with one of our incredibly talented video editors, Maria Soliven. She’s been with us for over a year slicing and dicing exceptional work and for some reason, she is the only one who has a history of hearing creepy things in the night!

As a notorious night owl, Maria can often be found working late at Jpixx headquarters. In The Cut, she has a frightening encounter with a familiar face during one of her late-night work binges. Without giving away anymore details, here’s our new horror! (created by Karla, Jon and of course Maria) *Disclaimer – you just might wet your pants.*

Stick around for a Q+A with Maria below!

What do you like most about working at Jpixx?

The people. I’m surrounded by people who love what they do, and it makes for such a great environment. I’ve learned so much from everyone since being there, and they’re always down to give me feedback and help me produce bigger & better things. They’re a bunch of characters, too. They’re jokesters, firecrackers, talented, professional, laid back, & crazy. Good crazy.

What has been your favorite project to work on and why?

There’s like an eleven-way tie, but I have enjoyed editing ESI’s webisodes. The actors are hilarious & the scripts are great. Sometimes I’m giggling to myself like an idiot while I’m putting the video together. And no matter how many times I watch a scene over, I’ll keep giggling.

If you could switch jobs with anyone else within Jpixx, whose job would you want?

Epic (Jon & Teviya’s 2-year old daughter). She just kinda strolls in and owns the place.

People would be surprised if they knew…

How much I love Chick Fil-A

What’s your motto or personal mantra?

Whenever I make a mistake – “It’s part of the joke”

When I find enough money under the floor mat to pay for a toll – “It’s part of the joke”

When the power goes out while it’s crunch time – “It’s part of the joke”

When the server gets my order wrong – “It’s part of the joke”

When I run into someone I’ve been meaning to see – “It’s part of the joke”

When I go grocery shopping on Columbus Day and my total adds up to be $14.92 – “It’s part of the joke”

When I’ve had a long day and I throw my keys onto the table and it lands in a bowl of soup –

“It’s part of the joke”

It keeps my attitude light. Life can be ridiculous & unbelievable, but if you just go with the flow and wait it out, there’s always something good at the end. Punchlines everywhere.


If you think Maria is super cool, there’s plenty more to come! We’ll be back in April to introduce another member of the Jpixx crew. Stay tuned!

Introducing Filmily Fest!

Why Filmily?

Filmily (short for film family) is a film competition in which Hampton Roads filmmakers are given two weeks to create a short film based on six inspiration images. Kind of like a cross b/w the 48-Hour Film Project and Canon Imagination Project. Jpixx is the creator and organizer of the event, and is an avid supporter of the local film community.

Filmily Fest  is more than a competition it’s a celebration of the talent in the Tidewater area. It’s a fun way for people who are passionate about storytelling to meet new people and make great films. It’s called Filmily because the mission is to bring together the local film community and engage creatively.

The idea was to give filmmakers an adequate amount of time to make a really good film, foster professional growth through giving and receiving feedback from peers in the film industry and allow each individual artist (whether it be the makeup artist or the camera assistant) to network with new people who are passionate about bringing compelling stories to life.

The inaugural festival has been a blast so far. Five teams accepted the challenge and are now completing their films for screening. Here’s a run down of the powerhouse lineup, which are ALL premiering at Filmily Fest in front of a live audience.

Meet the Teams

still_4The Brainco team, led by James Shearer (Founder, Executive Producer, and Writer) has participated in every Hampton Roads 48 hour film festival and has won audience choice award three times and even took the grand prize last year! Their film “Found and Lost” features Bill Powers – and that’s all we can say about that

Screen Shot 2015-11-21 at 4.24.43 AMUnexpected Union (the only female-led group) is premiering “Happy Birthday”, directed by Jessa Gaul (filmmaker) who wrote and directed the film starring her 9-year old daughter Makenzie who plays a young girl that goes on an unexpected journey to celebrate her birthday.

quantum2Chrome Toast headed by Richard Sanborn (Regent University student and filmmaker) with director Sarah Bonner “Quantum” An ex activist is unexpectedly roped back into her former life of rebellion by a member of the group she once fought against. Chrome Toast recently won Best Film, Best Writing, Best Ensemble Acting and more for “Family Business” at the 2015 Hampton Roads 48-Hour Film Project.

VFX SHOT.00_03_32_09.Still003Jesse Torres (Director/Photographer) known for his creative, yet edgy visual artistry directed the VizInk crew in “Shot at Love” starring Zeus Campbell – A conflicted man encounters a demon after confronting a life-changing event. Check out more of Jesse’s work here.

22983357601_344a3047c5_zThe Jpixx crew led by Jon Abrahams, Co-owner and Creative Director of Jpixx, produced a psychedelic story about a troubled introvert who loses his meds and his dog in the same day. Jpixx is recognized for their creative executions, which earned them many awards such as the 48HFP International Award  “In Captivity.”

It’s going to be an exciting night filled with five film screenings, Q&As with the filmmakers, and an awards presentation.

The emcee for the evening is the beloved actor/entertainer Kris Shrader of Zak’s movie show on

Previews and trailers of several other locally produced films and videos will also be shown in a line-up that will really blow your socks off.

When & Where

Filmily Fest will be hosted at Cinema Café Pembroke Meadows at 758 Independence Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23455 on December 6, 2015.

Doors open at 6pm and you definitely want to get there early for FREE food and beverages supplied by Cox Communications (while supplies last). In this case, the early bird gets the worm.

Update: Online Tickets HAVE been sold out!! Only few will remain at the box office for purchase.

Come out and enjoy Virginia’s finest filmmaking!

For more information, please visit and

SERVIR – A World Travelin’ Recap

(cont. from the SERVIR post found here)
After five countries (more if you count layovers) in three weeks, it’s no surprise that we’ve come back with hours’ worth of amazing footage and dozens of new friends!

Jpixx in Nepal

Our first stop was Nairobi, Kenya to visit Regional Centre For Mapping Resource For Development (RCMRD). Not only did we get to feed giraffes (ah!), we also stayed at the fantastic Safari Park Hotel & Casino. Drinks, dancing…it was a good way to start our trip.


Next was Bangladesh. Hmmm…if you ask each Jpixx member, you’ll get a different reaction and description for each one of us. Suffice it to say our trip was “interesting.” If you’ve ever found yourself being prodded by a one-armed man in the middle of a busy city street during rush hour – then you’re getting close 🙂

While exploring Dhaka our first day, we were ambushed by a hoard of people asking for gifts and money. We weren’t in fear for our lives but let’s just say “The Walking Dead” was brought up more than once. Eventually, we found safe haven in the confines of a nearby shop.

Headscarf Girl

We also made friends with the folks at the Institute of Water Modelling and the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre. Even though everyone in Bangladesh was fasting for Ramadan, the IWM was so hospitable in providing meals for each member of our team.

Institute of Water Modelling

After just a couple days in Bangladesh, we headed off to Nepal with a quick layover in India. We may have only had an hour between flights but rest assured that we snagged some Indian souvenirs (HELLO scarves!!). And that wasn’t the end of our scarf adventures!

Group Shot Nepal

But first, we ran all around Nepal getting video footage at local government ministries. See this picture above? That’s right after Jon got bit by a mosquito….in the EYE!! We know the Jpixx logo has an eyeball but come on guys.

We couldn’t have gotten around to all these places without our local contact at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Chimi Seldon! Seriously, from shopping locales to GREAT chai locations, she was our go-to resource.

Chimi Seldon ICIMOD

Speaking of chai, please proceed with caution should you enter Nepal. “Addiction” may or not be an accurate word to describe the love that Stacy and Lis developed for this amazing drink. They even chugged fresh boiled chai in shot glasses on their way out to a forest!

Speaking of forests, when in Nepal, please visit the Knowledge Park at Godavari Forest! We found remedies for cancer, high blood pressure, and a whole slew of other maladies. Traveler beware: umbrellas are needed to combat falling leeches.

Godavari Forest

After a few lovely days in Nepal, we headed to our final destination: Bangkok, Thailand! Luckily, the conference we were to film for the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center took place right in our hotel!

ADPC Presentation

On our first night, we couldn’t believe how cheap the dishes on the menu were. Surely something that costs $4 must be small, right? We ordered lots of dishes to share and then began to regret it as giant dish after dish was served to us in a massive feast. Yes, things really are that cheap.

We also visited a restaurant called Cabbages and Condoms! Ok, we know what you’re thinking but it’s actually a public service restaurant. Everyone in Thailand was already buying cabbages but condoms were severely underused. So what’s the solution? Combine the two!

Cabbages Condoms Thailand

And we road in an ox cart!

Ox Cart Thai

AND we rode elephants!

Thai Elephant Ride

Sure there were a few luggage snafus along the way, but overall our trip was unbelievable. Major thanks to DAI for selecting us and the incredible Stacy Whittle for putting up with our crazy.

Girls in Scarves


From Space to Village…to Village

If you’ve been keeping up with our Facebook page at all, you know that we’ve been doing a bit of country hopping on behalf of our newest film project.

SERVIR is a collaboration of NASA and USAID to make satellite images practical and accessible among local countries, ministries, universities and a multitude of other stakeholders. Got a deforestation problem? SERVIR can help by interpreting satellite images. Flooding? SERVIR. Climate problems?…you get the point.

SERVIR Conference

It’s a project we fully support and believe in, so we packed up and began traveling. First stop was the U.S. capital at the USAID office! We spoke with Carrie Stokes, mother of SERVIR, and Jenny Frankel-Reed, the superwoman who keeps it at top speed.USAID Film Interview

Then we did a little space exploration in Alabama with our new friends at NASA. MAJOR thanks and a huge shoutout to Tim Hall, Director of Communications at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center and an overall amazing human being.

US Space and Rocket

That’s not to leave out the wonderful Paula Link, NASA project coordinator and the rest of the SERVIR team in Huntsville. A highlight of our trip was the opportunity to interview Dan Irwin, father of SERVIR.

Dan Irwin SERVIR

From there we jetted across the world to Nairobi, Kenya; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Kathmandu, Nepal; and Bangkok, Thailand – with a few fun layovers in between at Dubai, Delhi, Tokyo…you can just call us citizens of the world.


Keep following our blog for more updates on our trip!


Back from SXSW: A Few Lessons Learned

Hi everyone, it’s Lis – you know, the Jpixx producer walking around staging areas constantly checking her watch. I’m back from South by Southwest (SXSW) and thought I’d share all the little tidbits I picked up during my first visit to Austin.

  1. Bring business cards. It sounds like a no brainer but there were a few attendees who hadn’t brought theirs. Our Jpixx business cards are specially designed with a scene from one of our productions, offering up great conversation starters about what we do.
  2. Don’t be afraid to leave a session. It’s well known in New York that if a subway car is empty, it’s empty for a reason. The same generally applied to sessions I attended – whether they’re dry or irrelevant to your interests, don’t be afraid to duck out. There’s always another session going on somewhere else!

    Boyhood Post Production Panel
    This was something you didn’t want to leave. Boyhood Post Production Panel!!


  3. Keep an eye on your belongings. Oh the irony that I’d have my wallet stolen in friendly Austin and not while abroad or living in NYC. Loss of credit cards aside, it was being ID-less that got me in the most trouble.
  4. Attend the parties. Everyone is running around so much at SXSW that the best time to truly get to know someone is at the parties. Sign up for as many as you can on Eventbrite and other platforms to make sure you can get in. And always bring an ID – kind of puts a damper on things when you don’t have one (see #3).
  5. Visit the lounges. This is another great place to meet new people! We visited the filmmakers lounge several times where, not only did Jon receive a massage, but we also met several people in the industry over drinks.Massage Chair Filmmaker
  6. Wear comfy shoes. Not shoes that you bought two days before thinking they’d be comfy but really need breaking in. comfy. shoes. It’s a lot of walking and you don’t want to scare the girl giving you a pedicure when you get home.
  7. Make a plan of attack for each day. Each morning I’d take about a half hour at breakfast to go through the sessions I’d starred in the SXSW Go app and write down an hour-by-hour schedule, including the parties and films to end each night. It was such a relief for this Type A personality to know what I’d be doing at any time.
  8. Talk to people everywhere you go. Attend mentor sessions with people who are advanced in your field. Bring business cards to your hotel/hostel breakfast. Ask the guy beside you in line what part of the film industry he’s in. It’s truly amazing where you’ll find those gems. Networking at SXSW
  9. Get a hotel. This advice is debatable but I would strongly advise against getting a hostel. The cost really isn’t that different after the taxes and fees are tacked on, and the Capital Metro transportation is pretty reliable. Imagine waking up in a nice luxurious bed with your own bathroom. Now picture waking up in a bunkbed with three other guys in the room. Yep. I did get a great haircut from an awesome San Francisco stylist, though!
  10. Eat the tacos! Seriously, going to Austin and not trying the Tex Mex is like going to New York and not eating a real bagel. My body was 50 percent taco by the time I left Austin but I had no regrets whatsoever.

    SXSW Food Bites
    SouthBites – home of wonderful local food trucks


Amazingly enough, even without an ID, I still made it through airport security and back to Virginia Beach. Full updates can be found by scrolling through our Twitter feed!

Italian Delights at Ynot Italian

Attention Hampton Roads, your favorite pizza place is getting an upgrade! No, Ynot isn’t changing their awesome recipe. Instead, it’s expanding its branding to become Ynot Pizza & Italian Cuisine.

Twirling Pizza at Ynot

That’s right, embrace the change and embrace all that “Italian” has to offer: Baked Ziti Parmigiana, Fruit di Mare, Eggplant Rollatini and of course, the cannolis.

We visited the restaurant’s Great Neck location to film a spot about the rebranding and capture the essence of its menu, centering around the lovely Dunlap family.

Dunlap Family at Ynot

Not only did several extras come out to help our shoot….

Extras Placement

we also had our production coordinator, April, and our new editor, Maria, get in on the action!

Server AprilSad Maria

Maria’s shirt was a tad oversized to say the least, but thankfully we scored an appropriate fit before shooting.

This shoot required a significantly larger crew than usual, and we’re so thankful to everyone who helped make it a huge success!

Shoulder SurfingLighting Film Crew

Catch the final cut of the spot below!

A Transformative Experience at the IOA Celebration

You walk through a set of doors to find people lounging on beds, servers carting around cheese and prosecco, and a kilted host anxious to make your acquaintance. No, it’s not the plot to our new Roman/Scot film. It’s the 6th Annual Instruments of Art (IOA) Celebration & Auction, and we were front and center to capture it all.

Instruments of Art

The IOA Celebration was hosted by Tidewater Arts Outreach (TAO), a local nonprofit dedicated to sharing the joy and healing power of the arts with people who have special needs and are isolated from society. Proceeds from the event benefitted TAO and their 8th Annual Sea Level Singer /Songwriter Festival, coming in April 2015.


Live jazz music tickled our ears as we maneuvered through the stunning instruments that lined the tables, transformed into each artist’s unique vision.

Tidewater Arts Outreach Instruments

After a silent auction of the pieces, it was time for the real fun to begin with a live auction!

TAO Live Auction

By the end of the night, the event had raised thousands of dollars, thanks in large part to our hosts at Decorum Furniture.

Decorum Furniture

For more updates on the world of Jpixx, follow us on LinkedIn!


Celebrating Mike Evans, “The Ultimate ‘Possibilist'”

This December, the folks at Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company (HEWV) took a moment to celebrate the career of beloved founder Mike Evans. A narrative tribute was the highlight of the celebration, featuring several of the company’s employees and clients nation-wide. 



Deborah Marquardt, Hanbury Evans public relations director, said Evans continues to be the quintessential leader. “I’ve come to believe the impossible things because Mike is the ultimate ‘possibilist,’” she said.


The Jpixx video crew visited the Hanbury Evans office to help capture employees’ favorite moments with Evans that inspire the rest of his team to believe in themselves and put forth their best effort. Of course we couldn’t have done it without the help of our assistant Jerry, a handy cellophane prop who contentedly watched with a bagel by his side.  

Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas Cellophane

For more updates on our video and film projects, follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Jpixx at Hanbury Evans in Norfolk