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Tag: Film Festival

No Sleep Till Tuesday!

More often than not, the long weekend surrounding Martin Luther King, Jr. Day isn’t exactly filled with excitement. This year, however, things changed with the Cinethon 72Hr Film Festival sponsored by Jpixx!

What is Cinethon? See for yourself in this promo we created featuring Jessa Gaul in the role that would’ve earned her an Oscar…had we submitted her for nominations in time.

That’s right, for three straight days the Cinethon 72 Hour Film Festival in Columbia, S.C. will screen 26 films of ranging genres – from documentaries to Hollywood classics, “Fantastic Planet” to “Seven Samurai.” Tonight’s docket (Sunday, January 18) even includes “Purple Rain” featuring Prince.

A Jpixx original is even included in the mix, with The Alcoholic streaming on a loop during a word from Cinethon sponsors.

The fest also includes a wide range of live events. Tonight you can catch the PA-JAMA-RAMA COSTUME  BALL, where you can rock out to your favorite local Columbia bands all in the comfort of your pjs!

The last film streams Monday at 5:30 p.m., so be sure to get down there and check out all that the fest has to offer. And don’t forget the popcorn!

Cinethon 72Hr