Jpixx provides consistent vision and branding for Hampton Roads Sanitation District with graphic design, motion design, photography, and video services. HRSD, who affectively treats local wastewater by using inventive systems, also makes use of our virtual tours, event coverage, livestreams, and even outdoor signage.
What we did
Through our ongoing role in aiding the marketing department by providing ready-made visuals and communications, we are always capturing professional photo close-ups of equipment, wide outdoor vistas, and lively event coverage on each visit taken for future use. We continue to supply HRSD with all needed headshots for staff and leadership.
The Jpixx Factor
Our ability to service the marketing department in a variety of ways allows HRSD to hire one company versus multiple. We can be extremely efficient and versatile by capturing photos for later use while simultaneously shooting video onsite.
Follow Up
HRSD has all of Jpixx’s visual communication tools at their fingertips. More than ever before, through our continued relationship, HRSD is poised to amaze, educate, and bring more understanding to their innovative work and leadership in the wastewater industry.