Chesapeake Homes – New Home Specialists… Not Robots!
| Blog, BTS, Feature, Film & Video, Other, Photography

Intern Sam here, talking this week about one of my first film sessions! Earlier this year, we filmed for Easton Advertising and their client Chesapeake Homes to showcase their NEW Design Gallery in Virginia Beach. Chesapeake Homes recently added a new member to their online home specialists team and we were tasked with filming the new intro video for their website. Just for kicks, we threw in a couple of crew headshots as well. It was a breeze throughout the whole day, filming the new online home specialist duo as well as headshots for the other two- these amazing ladies are far from “robots” and are definitely not stock images! It was a great first full-day shoot for the start of my internship!
We brought in the usual lineup of gear – LEDs, MoviPro, C300ii – and makeup artist, Jan Franklin made sure to glam out the representatives between and even during shots! There were wires, lights, screens, cameras, microphones, and so much more. We had so many pieces of equipment, it looked like we were moving in. Which, I’m sure we wouldn’t mind because the Design Gallery is gorgeous. This was all very exciting to me, for I had just started as the Spring Intern. I had not really seen what goes on during the stages of filming, so it was slightly overwhelming, but totally awesome at the same time. Since then, I have realized there is so much more equipment… so much…

Filming was the usual, rolling both sound and video. Chandler would yell out the video take and Karla would respond with the audio, followed by claps to signify filming had began on both fronts. We ran through lines, focusing on voice inflection and smiles held through their whole spiel. If lines were forgotten or missed, we cut and ran through it again. It wasn’t too drawn out because these two ladies were almost pros right off the bat. It was awesome to see that they had memorized script from beginning to end!

We filmed several different sessions – changing up the hair, coloring, and seasonal look. In all, we captured a variety of shots to fulfill their online video needs throughout the whole year. It was quite tedious planning the outfits to match the season, but it was actually kind of fun once we got to filming. It felt like one of those quick-change performances, but with business casual clothing!

The Design Gallery by Chesapeake Homes is just stunning and has all your new home planning needs. From floors, to light fixtures, to bathroom/kitchen design… there were so many options to look at! We just had to snag some B Roll of the place, for it was impeccably stylish. Not to mention, the beauty of the kitchen designs made them an easy selection for film scenery.
Chesapeake Homes pulled out their A-Team with new online home specialists Stephanie and Ashlee and another newbie named Bryce alongside another Stephanie who attended for headshots in between scenes. We worked alongside the amazing Lynn Easton of Easton Advertising, one of our long time friends. We could not have asked for a better crew that day!
Their video for their website is not quite up yet, but its coming up soon! Soon you will be able to talk with these online new home specialists and yes, we promise they are real (and incredibly awesome) people and not robots or stock images!!! This may be our newest project with Chesapeake Homes, but we have done some stellar work with them in the past, like their branding video! What can we say, they’re incredible clients.