A Little Party Never Hurt Nobody
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The Jpixx Office Launch Party was a huge success and we appreciate all the beautiful faces who came out and shared this spectacular achievement with us!
Major shoutout to Raymond White from Virginia Beach’s Economic Development Sector for coming out and introducing Jpixx to the community with an official ribbon cutting ceremony!
There was lots of fun to be had here, table pong, table tennis, music, games, drinks, and food! Also, our lovely crew was there to introduce everyone to the world of Jpixx!
A Close Call
Even though the office turned out perfect in the end, the whole preparation period leading up to the grand event was time consuming, and sporadic. Though it was a very controlled chaos, but nonetheless, it was an all hands on deck kind of project.
The Unsung Hero of it All
It was actually so much work to be had, we called in additional help in the form of a temporary intern, Ava Baker. Her father works in the creative industry and is good buds with Jon. She lended a helping hand with building, mounting, painting, or anything really when it came to prepping the office. We here at Jpixx really appreciate her support and adored her short time with us here!
Crunch Time
The whole crew was everywhere, we had handy man Glenn stationed at base mounting everything, the interns were everywhere from building desks, to buying the necessary supplies, Karla was displaying her artistic skills, and Teviya was coordinating this whole operation. And even with all of this going on behind the scenes, we were still doing our part at Jpixx shooting, editing, and pumping out content to clients.
The crew hit the turbo mode big time on the last few days leading up to the party, it was basically anarchy in the office. New furniture was coming in, while at the same time, we had to mount new artwork, plus planning all the food & games. This whole ordeal went into the night, with a Glenn, Karla, and Chris staying almost till midnight trying to add the final touches to the place.
A Monument To Our Work
Then came the day of the party, where it was basically war time, us vs the clock, everybody was driving around the area grabbing any last minute necessities for the party. All while trying to prep the food, prep the drinks, and checking that everything in the office is accounted for.
Then it came to an end, and we enjoyed the rest of the night with everybody who came, it was an amazing night full of fun, laughter, cake, drinks, and of course pictures to boot! Everybody in the office had a chance to bartend, and the rest of the crew was mingling along with everyone who came. We are glad everyone who was able to come enjoyed themselves and got to see what our world was like. Keep an eye out for more Jpixx events in the future, and like always, keep capturing life creatively 🙂