Roc Solid | Night For the Fight 2023
Night for the Fight is a Roc Solid Foundation event that reoccurs every spring and raises money for the global fight against pediatric cancer. Since 2017, Roc Solid has partnered with Jpixx to create a featured video for the event, with the goal of communicating a story that moves the audience enough to change a child’s life. The 2023 event video challenged the production team to think outside of the box and create an immersive experience for the audience, forcing them to feel the power of the story with more than just their eyes and ears. Below you will find more information on the sensory additions to the event with photo and video examples.
Video Submission – “Savor Every Moment”:
Full production video shown at the 2023 Roc Solid Night for the Fight event, incorporating interactive elements and sensory stimulations to create a fully immersive experience for guests.
Appealing to Different Senses:
The heart of our piece centers around what makes a moment in time so monumental. Do you remember your exact location when a traumatic national event occurred? Do you remember what you were doing when you received bad news about a loved one, or hearing the sounds around you when you had your first kiss?
We found that in situations of extreme importance, our senses are intensified, creating a mental imprint that can be recalled again and again in the presence of sensory triggers. What might seem like an ordinary few seconds in one’s life, can become permanently imprinted in our memory through sight, sound, smell, touch…
With this video, we curated a unique environment for our guests to experience the same smells, sounds, vibrations, and sights as the family throughout their diagnosis journey. The audience was immersed into the heightened feelings and emotions of those pivotal moments. This immersion allowed for the opportunity to relate, on a deeper level, to what it was like to experience the devastating and life-altering news of a pediatric cancer diagnosis.
This video, originally presented at the April 2023 Roc Solid Night For the Fight Gala, was attended by 500 guests and helped the foundation raise $459,000 in donations that evening.
Explanation of Interactivity:
Event coverage of audience members interacting with the video in real time.
Jpixx crew members and Roc Solid staff walked through the crowd with scents and sprays that corresponded to the video. During the breakfast scene, real bacon was cooking behind the curtain at the event and bread was toasting in a toaster oven. Atmospheric spray was thrown into the mix to create a haze in the air, much like what happens when something becomes overcooked or burnt.
When Angela and Ben are in the doctor’s office, members of the crew walked through the audience with cotton balls soaked in iodoform, a chemical compound often used to disinfect hospitals. This potent scent is highly recognized by families affected by cancer and can sometimes bring back memories of spending time in medical spaces, for better or for worse.
Large speakers were placed around the peripheral of the room, playing supplementary electronic beeps and rings, traffic sounds, and ambient noise during various points in the video to make the viewers feel like they were truly experiencing the auditory moments around them.
While the family is traveling in the car, crew members carried scented cotton balls through the crowd again, but this time soaked in gasoline and automotive agents (safety precautions were taken).
Near the end of the video, guests received a text message on their cell phones – the same text message that was displayed on-screen in real time, forcing them to feel the gut-wrenching dread that comes with a difficult diagnosis, firsthand.
Behind the Scenes Photos: